Parish Meeting


Dear Villager

At the Parish Meeting on 13 April I was elected to succeed Geoff Markham as Chair of Bradden Parish Meeting. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Geoff for his unstinting efforts on behalf of the village during his tenure.

Briefly the Parish Meeting is a replacement for a Parish Council in villages of fewer than 200 inhabitants. It has nothing to do with the church or the village hall.

I have yet to acquaint myself fully with the scope of the responsibilities of the Chair, but I intend to do this over the next few months.

One of the tasks I have set myself is to increase the use of the Internet to communicate with villagers.

The Bradden Village Website is an ideal location to post general information and there is now a section on the website related to Parish Meeting matters.

I do however believe that it is important that the Chair can communicate directly with individual villagers, particularly on matters, such as planning applications, which affect their specific locality. To this end I request that villagers let me have an email address. This will not be disclosed to any third party and any group postings will be sent bcc.

If you do not wish to receive email or you do not have access to a computer I will continue to hand deliver.

Please let me have the information below either by email to: – or drop it off at 5 Willowshill.


House Number/Name


Email Address:

I do/do not wish to receive Parish Meeting information by email.

Steve Crowcroft